
Louanne Larson

She Is Innocent And Needs Your Help!

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"In Texas"

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In Texas...


They arrest people, lie to a jury, get innocent people convicted,

so they can get credit for their legal abilities...

...and call it JUSTICE.


They give life sentences to serve 35 flat calendar years without even

probable cause or proof of a person's guilt...

...and call it JUSTICE.


They take mental patients who need psychological help, put them in prison,

keep them doped up zombies for the rest of their lives...

...and call it JUSTICE.


They refuse heart patients and other patients medical care,

they die in their cells...

...and call it JUSTICE.


They take human beings, treat them worse than animals are treated,

and abuse them mentally...

...and call it JUSTICE.


High School graduate children hired as guards with authority over hundreds, talking to inmates

like they are not even human, writing disciplinary cases where none are needed,

just to stop an inmate they don't like from being parolled...

...and call it JUSTICE.


They search the inmates' family members that come to visit like they are criminals,

embarrassing and humiliating them so they don't want to visit...

...and call it JUSTICE.


They strip inmates of all their clothing repeatedly daily, taking what little dignity is left,

do not allow talking, or anything a human being requires for self-esteem...

...and call it JUSTICE.


They take away small privileges earned by inmates for working for no pay, inmates endure verbal

and physical abuse by guards, and are not allowed to sleep more than 4 hours...

...and call it JUSTICE.


They charge outrageous prices for defective radios, fans, hot pots, and food items

inmates buy with funds sent to them from their family...

...and call it JUSTICE.


take money from companies who pay TDCJ for work by  inmates, products,
and food grown for/by inmates, they receive interest from the bank from
money sent to Inmates Trust Fund Accounts, they charge taxpayers for
medical treatment for inmates that are exaggerated beyond belief, and
taxpayers are never reimbursed, or even informed of the money coming to
Texas, or through the free labor provided by

Texas Correction Industries.  Prisons are a business making money.

Who is receiving the benefits? 

Not taxpayers...

...and call it JUSTICE.


When people are desensitized, stripped of their humanity, dignity, pride, honor, religion, and freedom,

convicted of crimes they didn't commit, then released into the world of society with bitterness,

hate, and nature of violence that TDCJ itself has created in them-

Who is to blame for the crimes then committed?



What happened to rehabilitating human beings into becoming productive citizens?


Why are capital crimes not thoroughly investigated before someone goes to trial losing their entire life?


Why don't Christians get involved with people who are trying to learn to change and do right, and help them?


Why doesn't anyone in the world care about anyone but themselves these days?


Why does everyone have to pay the price for what one person does?


What will you feel like if it happened to you?


by Louanne Larson





Only In Texas...


Click HERE for Article Regarding another Female Officer who was target for Harrassment and Humiliation


Click HERE to read about DNA Exhonerations in Texas


Click HERE to Read about abuse at the Mountain View Unit